Intended Parents


The infertility journey is a difficult journey and we understand. You're probably here because you're overwhelmed at all the information out there, yet you still have a lot of unanswered questions. At Await Surrogacy, we strive to provide an excellent service in a simple, relational way. We know there are plenty of cold, stark offices out there who offer surrogacy services, but you deserve a better experience. We are here to hold your hand through every step of the way, and to coordinate the various elements of your surrogacy arrangement, so your experience is as seamless as possible.


How it Works

1. Get the information you need.

The goal of the initial consult is to leave you informed, inspired and empowered to take the next step. The consultation is to help you understand the surrogacy process, find out exactly who our surrogates are, and discover what to expect throughout your surrogacy journey. We walk with our families every step of the way, and we are here to guide, inform and answer all of your questions. You also have the chance to speak with our legal team to discuss the legal aspects of the surrogacy process. 

You can receive more information including a full breakdown of fees and schedule a phone call by clicking here

2. Get Started

Getting started is simple—schedule a complementary consultation to see if we are the right fit for you. If you decide to move forward, you’ll sign and return our contract and pay the first installment of our Program Fee. Once this step is complete, being matched with a surrogate is right around the corner.

3. Matching

Finding the right surrogate is what we do.

The best way to match you with the perfect surrogate is to get to know you. You will fill out a short profile. We will then find an appropriate match with a gestational carrier who has successfully completed our comprehensive screening process. The average timeframe for completing a match with a surrogate is between one and four months, this is based on the preferences of the Intended Parent(s) as well as the availability of our current surrogates who meet those preferences.

4. Meet Your Surrogate

Our screening process includes an extensive application, a telephone interview, a medical examination (performed by their OBGYN), and a criminal background check. Once the gestational carrier has been screened and approved by your fertility clinic, the second installment of Await’s Program Fee is due. 

5. The legal process + Medical Cycle

Once you are matched with a gestational carrier, the surrogate will meet with your fertility clinic to complete her medical screening such as the ultrasound and bloodwork. After she completes the medical clearance appointment, you will begin the legal process. The legal portion takes about 6-8 weeks. Once you have completed the legal process, you will begin funding the escrow account for all expenses related to the journey. The fertility clinic will then begin the medication protocol for your surrogate to prepare for the embryo transfer. Pregnancy results come back 10 to 12 days following the embryo transfer.

6. The Home Stretch

You are almost done.

After about eight to ten weeks of pregnancy, the reproductive endocrinologist will release your surrogate to her personal OBGYN. As the pregnancy enters its second trimester, we will begin to coordinate with your attorney so they can start the second part of the legal phase— the parentage phase. The long wait is over. The entire surrogacy journey often lasts from 14 to 20 months and you are guided by us throughout the entire process. From application to arms full, we provide you with guidance, expertise and support through every step.